Yingjie's Horizon a FOOL in solar physics


At Makapuu Beach

Hi! My name is Yingjie Zhu (朱英杰), and I am a postdoc researcher at the Physikalisch Meteorologische Observatorium Davos/World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC) working with Prof. Louise Harra to study formation of the million-degree solar corona and supersonic solar wind. I received my Ph.D. degree from the University of Michigan, where I worked with Prof. Enrico Landi.

My research focuses on understanding the physical processes in the solar atmosphere using spectroscopic diagnostics, including coronal heating, flare eruption, coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and the formation of solar wind. Currently, I am working on Hinode/EIS and Solar Orbiter observations of upflows at active region boundaries. I did my Ph.D. in analyzing the spectral line widths in different coronal structures and investigating the wave propagation and heavy ion heating in the solar corona. When I was an undergraduate, I ran radiative hydrodynamics simulations to investigate Mg \({\rm {\scriptsize II}}\) line profiles at solar flare ribbons. You can find more about my research here.

I am a homebody. I love drawing cartoons. Here are some of my imperfect works.