This notebook shows the electron density measured by CoMP and populations entering the upper energy level of Fe XIV 530.3 nm. Link to Figure 11.
(The internal hyperlink only works on GitHub Pages or nbviewer. Do not click when viewing the notebook on GitHub.)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.visualization import ImageNormalize, SqrtStretch, ZScaleInterval
import sunpy
aia_193_cm = plt.get_cmap("sdoaia193")
import juanfit
from juanfit import SpectrumFit2D, gaussian
import as cmcm
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
from matplotlib.ticker import (AutoLocator, AutoMinorLocator, FixedLocator,
FixedFormatter, LogLocator, StrMethodFormatter, MaxNLocator)
import scipy.optimize
from import readsav
from scipy import interpolate
import skimage
import pandas as pd
def plot_colorbar(im, ax, width="3%", height="100%",loc="lower left",fontsize=14,
bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 0., 1, 1)):
clb_ax = inset_axes(ax,width=width,height=height,loc=loc,
clb = plt.colorbar(im,pad = 0.05,orientation='vertical',ax=ax,cax=clb_ax)
return clb, clb_ax
# with"../../src/CoMP/new_l2/20170821.comp.1074.l2/20170821.comp.1074.quick_invert.median.synoptic.fts.gz") as hdul:
# header_1074 = hdul[0].header
# intensity_1074 = np.copy(hdul[4].data)
with"../../src/CoMP/new_l2/20170821.comp.1074.l2/20170821.174607.comp.1074.dynamics.fts.gz") as hdul:
header_1074 = hdul[0].header
intensity_1074 = np.copy(hdul[1].data)
enintensity_1074 = np.copy(hdul[2].data)
comp_nx, comp_ny = 620, 620
comp_xcoord = np.linspace(1 - header_1074["CRPIX1"], comp_nx - header_1074["CRPIX1"], comp_nx)*header_1074["CDELT1"]
comp_ycoord = np.linspace(1 - header_1074["CRPIX2"], comp_nx - header_1074["CRPIX2"], comp_ny)*header_1074["CDELT2"]
Filename: ../../src/CoMP/new_l2/20170821.comp.1074.l2/20170821.174607.comp.1074.dynamics.fts.gz No. Name Ver Type Cards Dimensions Format 0 PRIMARY 1 PrimaryHDU 84 () 1 Intensity 1 ImageHDU 38 (620, 620) float32 2 Enhanced Intensity 1 ImageHDU 38 (620, 620) uint8 3 Corrected LOS velocity 1 ImageHDU 39 (620, 620) float32 4 Line Width 1 ImageHDU 38 (620, 620) float32
header_1074["CDELT1"], header_1074["CRPIX1"]
(4.35, 310.5)
# with"../../src/CoMP/new_l2/20170821.comp.1079.l2/20170821.comp.1079.quick_invert.median.synoptic.fts.gz") as hdul:
# header_1079 = hdul[0].header
# intensity_1079 = np.copy(hdul[4].data)
with"../../src/CoMP/new_l2/20170821.comp.1079.l2/20170821.174303.comp.1079.dynamics.fts.gz") as hdul:
header_1079 = hdul[0].header
intensity_1079 = np.copy(hdul[1].data)
enintensity_1079 = np.copy(hdul[2].data)
Filename: ../../src/CoMP/new_l2/20170821.comp.1079.l2/20170821.174303.comp.1079.dynamics.fts.gz No. Name Ver Type Cards Dimensions Format 0 PRIMARY 1 PrimaryHDU 84 () 1 Intensity 1 ImageHDU 38 (620, 620) float32 2 Enhanced Intensity 1 ImageHDU 38 (620, 620) uint8 3 Corrected LOS velocity 1 ImageHDU 39 (620, 620) float32 4 Line Width 1 ImageHDU 38 (620, 620) float32
intensity_1074_mean_grid = np.full((comp_nx, comp_ny, 5), np.nan)
with"../../src/CoMP/new_l2/20170821.comp.1074.l2/20170821.comp.1074.mean.synoptic.fts.gz") as hdul:
for ii in range(5):
intensity_1074_mean_grid[:,:,ii] = np.copy(hdul[ii+1].data)
# hdul[0].header
wvl_1074_grid = np.array([1074.38, 1074.50, 1074.62, 1074.74, 1074.86])
Filename: ../../src/CoMP/new_l2/20170821.comp.1074.l2/20170821.comp.1074.mean.synoptic.fts.gz No. Name Ver Type Cards Dimensions Format 0 PRIMARY 1 PrimaryHDU 90 () 1 I, 1074.38 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 2 I, 1074.50 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 3 I, 1074.62 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 4 I, 1074.74 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 5 I, 1074.86 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 6 Q, 1074.38 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 7 Q, 1074.50 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 8 Q, 1074.62 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 9 Q, 1074.74 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 10 Q, 1074.86 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 11 U, 1074.38 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 12 U, 1074.50 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 13 U, 1074.62 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 14 U, 1074.74 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 15 U, 1074.86 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 16 V, 1074.38 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 17 V, 1074.50 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 18 V, 1074.62 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 19 V, 1074.74 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 20 V, 1074.86 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 21 B, 1074.38 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 22 B, 1074.50 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 23 B, 1074.62 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 24 B, 1074.74 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 25 B, 1074.86 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32
intensity_1079_mean_grid = np.full((comp_nx, comp_ny, 5), np.nan)
with"../../src/CoMP/new_l2/20170821.comp.1079.l2/20170821.comp.1079.mean.synoptic.fts.gz") as hdul:
for ii in range(5):
intensity_1079_mean_grid[:,:,ii] = np.copy(hdul[ii+1].data)
# hdul[0].header
wvl_1079_grid = np.array([1079.54, 1079.66, 1079.78, 1079.90, 1080.02])
Filename: ../../src/CoMP/new_l2/20170821.comp.1079.l2/20170821.comp.1079.mean.synoptic.fts.gz No. Name Ver Type Cards Dimensions Format 0 PRIMARY 1 PrimaryHDU 90 () 1 I, 1079.54 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 2 I, 1079.66 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 3 I, 1079.78 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 4 I, 1079.90 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 5 I, 1080.02 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 6 Q, 1079.54 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 7 Q, 1079.66 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 8 Q, 1079.78 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 9 Q, 1079.90 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 10 Q, 1080.02 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 11 U, 1079.54 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 12 U, 1079.66 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 13 U, 1079.78 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 14 U, 1079.90 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 15 U, 1080.02 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 16 V, 1079.54 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 17 V, 1079.66 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 18 V, 1079.78 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 19 V, 1079.90 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 20 V, 1080.02 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 21 B, 1079.54 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 22 B, 1079.66 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 23 B, 1079.78 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 24 B, 1079.90 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32 25 B, 1080.02 1 ImageHDU 56 (620, 620) float32
FeXIII_1074_fitmodel = SpectrumFit2D(data=intensity_1074_mean_grid[:,:310,:], wvl=wvl_1074_grid,
FeXIII_1074_fitmodel_3point = SpectrumFit2D(data=intensity_1074_mean_grid[:,:310,1:4], wvl=wvl_1074_grid[1:4],
# FeXIII_1074_fitmodel = SpectrumFit2D(data=intensity_1074_mean_grid[:,:310,:], wvl=wvl_1074_grid,
# line_number=1,line_wvl_init=1074.6,int_max_init=1,fwhm_init=0.2)
/Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning)
fig, (ax1,ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(10,6),constrained_layout=True)
norm_1074_mean = ImageNormalize(FeXIII_1074_fitmodel.custom_fit[:,:,1],stretch=SqrtStretch(),vmin=0,vmax=2)
im1 = ax1.imshow(FeXIII_1074_fitmodel.custom_fit[:,:,1],origin="lower",norm=norm_1074_mean,cmap=aia_193_cm)
ax1.set_title("5-point fit",fontsize=14)
im2 = ax2.imshow(FeXIII_1074_fitmodel_3point.custom_fit[:,:,1],origin="lower",norm=norm_1074_mean,cmap=aia_193_cm)
ax2.set_title("3-point fit",fontsize=14)
im3 = ax3.imshow((FeXIII_1074_fitmodel_3point.custom_fit[:,:,1] - FeXIII_1074_fitmodel.custom_fit[:,:,1])/FeXIII_1074_fitmodel_3point.custom_fit[:,:,1]
ax3.set_title("Relative difference (3-5)/3",fontsize=14)
for ax_ in (ax1,ax2,ax3):
/Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide # Remove the CWD from sys.path while we load stuff. /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide # Remove the CWD from sys.path while we load stuff.
FeXIII_1079_fitmodel = SpectrumFit2D(data=intensity_1079_mean_grid[:,:310,:], wvl=wvl_1079_grid,
FeXIII_1079_fitmodel_3point = SpectrumFit2D(data=intensity_1079_mean_grid[:,:310,1:4], wvl=wvl_1079_grid[1:4],
# FeXIII_1079_fitmodel = SpectrumFit2D(data=intensity_1079_mean_grid[:,:310,:], wvl=wvl_1079_grid,
# line_number=1,line_wvl_init=1079.6,int_max_init=1,fwhm_init=0.2)
/Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt self.custom_err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov)) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/Desktop/Solar/MyPy/ UserWarning: No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting. warn("No input errors, absolute_sigma=False will be used in the Chi2 fitting.") /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning) /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning)
fig, (ax1,ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(10,6),constrained_layout=True)
norm_1079_mean = ImageNormalize(FeXIII_1079_fitmodel.custom_fit[:,:,1],stretch=SqrtStretch(),vmin=0,vmax=2)
im1 = ax1.imshow(FeXIII_1079_fitmodel.custom_fit[:,:,1],origin="lower",norm=norm_1079_mean,cmap=aia_193_cm)
ax1.set_title("5-point fit",fontsize=14)
im2 = ax2.imshow(FeXIII_1079_fitmodel_3point.custom_fit[:,:,1],origin="lower",norm=norm_1079_mean,cmap=aia_193_cm)
ax2.set_title("3-point fit",fontsize=14)
im3 = ax3.imshow((FeXIII_1079_fitmodel_3point.custom_fit[:,:,1] - FeXIII_1079_fitmodel.custom_fit[:,:,1])/FeXIII_1079_fitmodel_3point.custom_fit[:,:,1]
ax3.set_title("Relative difference (3-5)/3",fontsize=14)
for ax_ in (ax1,ax2,ax3):
/Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide # Remove the CWD from sys.path while we load stuff. /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide # Remove the CWD from sys.path while we load stuff.
plt.plot(wvl_1074_grid-1074.7, intensity_1074_mean_grid[300,40,:])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ff226fefd50>]
plt.plot(wvl_1079_grid-1079.8, intensity_1079_mean_grid[300,40,:])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ff2286dce10>]
FeXIII_ratio_sav = readsav("../../sav/CoMP/FeXIII_1074_1079_ratio.sav",verbose=True)
chianti_dens = FeXIII_ratio_sav["dens"]
chianti_height = FeXIII_ratio_sav["height"]
FeXIII_ratio = FeXIII_ratio_sav["fexiii_1074_1079_ratio"]
chianti_dens_mesh, chianti_height_mesh = np.meshgrid(chianti_dens, chianti_height)
-------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed Jun 21 12:16:46 2023 User: yjzhu Host: -------------------------------------------------- Format: 11 Architecture: x86_64 Operating System: darwin IDL Version: 8.2 -------------------------------------------------- Successfully read 7 records of which: - 1 are of type VERSION - 4 are of type VARIABLE - 1 are of type TIMESTAMP -------------------------------------------------- Available variables: - fexiii_1074_1079_ratio [<class 'numpy.ndarray'>] - dens [<class 'numpy.ndarray'>] - height [<class 'numpy.ndarray'>] - temp [<class 'numpy.float32'>] --------------------------------------------------
fig, (ax1,ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(10,5),constrained_layout=True)
norm_1074 = ImageNormalize(data=intensity_1074,stretch=SqrtStretch())
im1 = ax1.pcolormesh(comp_xcoord, comp_ycoord, intensity_1074, cmap=aia_193_cm, norm=norm_1074)
plot_colorbar(im1, ax1, width="10%")
norm_1079 = ImageNormalize(data=intensity_1079,stretch=SqrtStretch())
im2 = ax2.pcolormesh(comp_xcoord, comp_ycoord, intensity_1079, cmap=aia_193_cm, norm=norm_1079)
plot_colorbar(im2, ax2, width="10%")
im3 = ax3.pcolormesh(comp_xcoord, comp_ycoord, intensity_1074/intensity_1079, cmap=cmcm.batlowK, vmin=1,vmax=5)
plot_colorbar(im3, ax3, width="10%")
for ax_ in (ax1,ax2,ax3):
/Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide # This is added back by InteractiveShellApp.init_path() /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide # This is added back by InteractiveShellApp.init_path()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6),constrained_layout=True)
ax.pcolormesh(chianti_dens_mesh, chianti_height_mesh, FeXIII_ratio, cmap=cmcm.batlowK, vmin=0,vmax=5)
def FeXIII_ratio_func(height, ratio):
FeXIII_height_func = interpolate.interp1d(chianti_height, FeXIII_ratio, axis=0, bounds_error=False)
FeXIII_ratio_at_height = FeXIII_height_func(height)
FeXIII_dens_func = interpolate.interp1d(FeXIII_ratio_at_height, chianti_dens, bounds_error=False)
FeXIII_dens_measured = FeXIII_dens_func(ratio)
return FeXIII_dens_measured
comp_xmesh, comp_ymesh = np.meshgrid(comp_xcoord, comp_ycoord)
comp_height_mesh = np.sqrt(comp_xmesh**2 + comp_ymesh**2)/header_1074["RSUN"]
FeXIII_dens_1074_1079 = np.full((comp_nx,comp_ny),np.nan)
for ii in range(620):
for jj in range(620):
FeXIII_dens_1074_1079[ii,jj] = FeXIII_ratio_func(comp_height_mesh[ii,jj], intensity_1074[ii,jj]/intensity_1079[ii,jj])
/Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in float_scalars after removing the cwd from sys.path. /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in float_scalars after removing the cwd from sys.path.
FeXIII_dens_1074_1079_mean = np.full((comp_ny,int(comp_nx/2)),np.nan)
for ii in range(620):
for jj in range(310):
FeXIII_dens_1074_1079_mean[ii,jj] = FeXIII_ratio_func(comp_height_mesh[ii,jj],
/Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars """ /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars """
fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(8,5),constrained_layout=True)
im1 = ax1.pcolormesh(comp_xcoord, comp_ycoord, intensity_1074/intensity_1079, cmap=cmcm.batlowK, vmin=1,vmax=5)
plot_colorbar(im1, ax1, width="10%")
for ax_ in (ax1,ax2):
/Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide after removing the cwd from sys.path. /Users/yjzhu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide after removing the cwd from sys.path.
def find_nearest_pixel(x,y,x_grid,y_grid):
distance = np.sqrt((x - x_grid)**2 + (y - y_grid)**2)
index = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(distance),distance.shape)
return index
def get_select_pixel_index(node_solarx, node_solary,xgrid,ygrid):
node_xpixel, node_ypixel = np.zeros_like(node_solarx), np.zeros_like(node_solary)
for ii in range(len(node_solarx)):
node_ypixel[ii],node_xpixel[ii] = find_nearest_pixel(node_solarx[ii],node_solary[ii],
select_pixels_xindex = []
select_pixels_yindex = []
for ii in range(len(node_xpixel) - 1):
rr, cc = skimage.draw.line(node_ypixel[ii],node_xpixel[ii],
select_pixels_xindex = np.concatenate((select_pixels_xindex,cc))
select_pixels_yindex = np.concatenate((select_pixels_yindex,rr))
index_tuple = tuple(np.stack((select_pixels_yindex,select_pixels_xindex),axis=-1).astype(np.int32).T)
select_solarx = xgrid[index_tuple]
select_solary = ygrid[index_tuple]
return index_tuple, select_solarx, select_solary
AR_cut_index_1, AR_cut_solarx_1, AR_cut_solary_1 = \
AR_cut_delete_index_1 = np.where(np.sqrt(AR_cut_solarx_1**2 + AR_cut_solary_1**2)/header_1074["RSUN"] < 1.06)
AR_cut_solarx_1 = np.delete(AR_cut_solarx_1,AR_cut_delete_index_1)
AR_cut_solary_1 = np.delete(AR_cut_solary_1,AR_cut_delete_index_1)
AR_cut_index_2, AR_cut_solarx_2, AR_cut_solary_2 = \
AR_cut_delete_index_2 = np.where(np.sqrt(AR_cut_solarx_2**2 + AR_cut_solary_2**2)/header_1074["RSUN"] < 1.06)
AR_cut_solarx_2 = np.delete(AR_cut_solarx_2,AR_cut_delete_index_2)
AR_cut_solary_2 = np.delete(AR_cut_solary_2,AR_cut_delete_index_2)
ST_cut_index_1, ST_cut_solarx_1, ST_cut_solary_1 = \
ST_cut_delete_index_1 = np.where(np.sqrt(ST_cut_solarx_1**2 + ST_cut_solary_1**2)/header_1074["RSUN"] < 1.06)
ST_cut_solarx_1 = np.delete(ST_cut_solarx_1,ST_cut_delete_index_1)
ST_cut_solary_1 = np.delete(ST_cut_solary_1,ST_cut_delete_index_1)
fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(8,5),constrained_layout=True)
enintensity_1074 = enintensity_1074.astype(np.float64)
enintensity_1074[enintensity_1074 <= 0] = np.nan
im1 = ax1.pcolormesh(comp_xcoord, comp_ycoord, enintensity_1074, cmap=aia_193_cm,
plot_colorbar(im1, ax1, width="10%")
for ax_ in (ax1,ax2):
ax_.plot(AR_cut_solarx_1, AR_cut_solary_1)
ax_.plot(AR_cut_solarx_2, AR_cut_solary_2)
ax_.plot(ST_cut_solarx_1, ST_cut_solary_1)
AR_density_1 = FeXIII_dens_1074_1079[AR_cut_index_1]
AR_density_1 = np.delete(AR_density_1,AR_cut_delete_index_1)
AR_density_1_good_index = np.isfinite(AR_density_1)
AR_density_1 = AR_density_1[AR_density_1_good_index]
AR_cut_solarx_1 = AR_cut_solarx_1[AR_density_1_good_index]
AR_cut_solary_1 = AR_cut_solary_1[AR_density_1_good_index]
AR_density_2 = FeXIII_dens_1074_1079[AR_cut_index_2]
AR_density_2 = np.delete(AR_density_2,AR_cut_delete_index_2)
AR_density_2_good_index = np.isfinite(AR_density_2)
AR_density_2 = AR_density_2[AR_density_2_good_index]
AR_cut_solarx_2 = AR_cut_solarx_2[AR_density_2_good_index]
AR_cut_solary_2 = AR_cut_solary_2[AR_density_2_good_index]
ST_density_1 = FeXIII_dens_1074_1079[ST_cut_index_1]
ST_density_1 = np.delete(ST_density_1,ST_cut_delete_index_1)
ST_density_1_good_index = np.isfinite(ST_density_1)
ST_density_1 = ST_density_1[ST_density_1_good_index]
ST_cut_solarx_1 = ST_cut_solarx_1[ST_density_1_good_index]
ST_cut_solary_1 = ST_cut_solary_1[ST_density_1_good_index]
def find_median_values(window_center,window_width,height,dens):
median_dens = []
for wc_, ww_ in zip(window_center,window_width):
dens_window = dens[(height >= wc_ - ww_/2) & (height <= wc_ + ww_/2)]
return np.array(median_dens)
AR_density_1_median = find_median_values([1.1,1.2,1.3],[0.1,0.1,0.1],np.sqrt(AR_cut_solarx_1**2 + AR_cut_solary_1**2)/header_1074["RSUN"],
AR_density_2_median = find_median_values([1.1,1.2,1.3],[0.1,0.1,0.1],np.sqrt(AR_cut_solarx_2**2 + AR_cut_solary_2**2)/header_1074["RSUN"],
ST_density_1_median = find_median_values([1.1,1.2,1.25],[0.1,0.1,0.1],np.sqrt(ST_cut_solarx_1**2 + ST_cut_solary_1**2)/header_1074["RSUN"],
[7.9659716 7.80338094 7.71524594] [8.11556169 7.90052095 7.73870596] [7.85758346 7.63687485 7.51933149]
pop_processes_df = pd.read_excel("../../sav/CoMP/pop_processes_FeXIV.xlsx")
region | rphot | dens | rd | e | p | ph | |
0 | AR11 | 1.10 | 8.10 | 54.64 | 18.83 | 7.61 | 18.92 |
1 | AR13 | 1.30 | 7.70 | 48.60 | 17.33 | 7.00 | 27.07 |
2 | AR15 | 1.50 | 7.30 | 39.86 | 14.42 | 5.83 | 39.90 |
3 | ST1 | 1.10 | 7.85 | 47.10 | 16.58 | 6.70 | 29.63 |
4 | ST12 | 1.25 | 7.50 | 40.19 | 14.42 | 5.83 | 39.56 |
5 | ST15 | 1.50 | 7.00 | 28.45 | 10.33 | 4.17 | 57.05 |
# stackbar_groups = [r"AR 1.1\,$R_\odot$" + "\n" + r"$\log n_e = 8.1$",
# r"AR 1.3\,$R_\odot$" + "\n" + r"$\log n_e = 7.7$",
# r"*AR 1.5\,$R_\odot$" + "\n" + r"$\log n_e = 7.3$",
# r"ST 1.1\,$R_\odot$" + "\n" + r"$\log n_e = 7.85$",
# r"ST 1.25\,$R_\odot$" + "\n" + r"$\log n_e = 7.5$",
# r"*ST 1.5\,$R_\odot$" + "\n" + r"$\log n_e = 7.0$"]
stackbar_groups = [r"AR 1.1\,$R_\odot$" + "\n" + r"$\log n_e = 8.1$",
r"AR 1.3\,$R_\odot$" + "\n" + r"$7.7$",
r"*AR 1.5\,$R_\odot$" + "\n" + r"$7.3$",
r"ST 1.1\,$R_\odot$" + "\n" + r"$7.85$",
r"ST 1.25\,$R_\odot$" + "\n" + r"$7.5$",
r"*ST 1.5\,$R_\odot$" + "\n" + r"$7.0$"]
stackbar_colors = ["#D0E6A5","#FFDD94","#FA897B","#CCABDB"]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,9),constrained_layout=True)
subfigs = fig.subfigures(2,1,height_ratios=[9,7])
ax1,ax2,ax3 = subfigs[0].subplots(1,3,gridspec_kw={"width_ratios":[1,1,2]})
ax4 = subfigs[1].subplots()
im1 = ax1.pcolormesh(comp_xcoord, comp_ycoord, enintensity_1074, cmap=aia_193_cm,
ax1.set_title(r"\textbf{Fe \textsc{xiii} 1074.7\,nm}" + "\n" + r"\textbf{Enhanced Intensity}",fontsize=14,
ax1.set_ylabel(r"\textbf{SOLAR-Y [arcsec]}",fontsize=14)
ax1.set_xlabel(r"\textbf{SOLAR-X [arcsec]}",fontsize=14)
ax1.plot(AR_cut_solarx_1, AR_cut_solary_1, color="#77AADD",lw=4)
ax1.plot(AR_cut_solarx_2, AR_cut_solary_2, color="#44BB99",lw=4)
ax1.plot(ST_cut_solarx_1, ST_cut_solary_1, color="#EE6677",lw=4)
clb1, clb_ax1 = plot_colorbar(im1,ax1,width="10%",bbox_to_anchor=(0.63, -0.48, 1, 0.9))
im2 = ax2.pcolormesh(comp_xcoord[:310],comp_ycoord,FeXIII_dens_1074_1079[:,:310],vmin=7.5,vmax=8.5,
ax2.set_xlabel(r"\textbf{SOLAR-X [arcsec]}",fontsize=14)
ax2.set_title(r"\textbf{Fe \textsc{xiii} 1074/1079}" "\n" + r"$\boldsymbol{\log n_e/\mathrm{[cm^{-3}]}}$",fontsize=14,
clb2, clb_ax2 = plot_colorbar(im2,ax2,width="10%",bbox_to_anchor=(0.63, -0.48, 1, 0.9))
ax3.scatter(np.sqrt(AR_cut_solarx_1**2 + AR_cut_solary_1**2)/header_1074["RSUN"],AR_density_1,label=r"\textbf{AR Outskirts}",
ax3.scatter(np.sqrt(AR_cut_solarx_2**2 + AR_cut_solary_2**2)/header_1074["RSUN"],AR_density_2,label=r"\textbf{AR Core}",
ax3.scatter(np.sqrt(ST_cut_solarx_1**2 + ST_cut_solary_1**2)/header_1074["RSUN"],ST_density_1,label=r"\textbf{Streamer}",
ax3.set_ylabel(r"$\boldsymbol{\log n_e/\mathrm{[cm^{-3}]}}$",fontsize=14,)
ax3.set_xlabel(r"\textbf{Heliocentric Distance} $\boldsymbol{r\,[R_\odot]}$",fontsize=14)
ax3.set_title(r"\textbf{Density Drop along Cuts}",fontsize=14,y=1.04)
ax3.legend(fontsize=14,frameon=False,loc="upper right",handletextpad=0)
ax3.text(0.03,0.02,r"\textbf{(c)}",fontsize=14,transform=ax3.transAxes,ha="left",va="bottom"), pop_processes_df["ph"].values, color=stackbar_colors[0], label=r"\textbf{PE}",zorder=2,
), pop_processes_df["rd"].values, bottom=pop_processes_df["ph"].values,
color=stackbar_colors[1], label=r"\textbf{RD}",zorder=2), pop_processes_df["e"].values,
color=stackbar_colors[2], label=r"$\boldsymbol{e^-}$",zorder=2), pop_processes_df["p"].values,
color=stackbar_colors[3], label=r"$\boldsymbol{p^+}$",zorder=2)
ax4.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1.05), fontsize=14,frameon=False)
ax4.set_title(r"\textbf{Population entering Fe \textsc{xiv}} $\boldsymbol{3s^2 3p\ \mathrm{^2 P_{3/2}}}$",fontsize=14,
ax4.set_ylabel(r"\textbf{Contribution [\%]}",fontsize=14)
for ax_ in (ax1,ax2):
for ax_ in (ax1,ax2,ax3,ax4):